Membro della SCNAT

Questa società specializzata promuove il dialogo tra la scienza, la pratica e la società. Appoggia la condivisione scientifica e la collaborazione tra i propri membri, mantiene rapporti con le organizzazioni nazionali e internazionali e promuove le nuove generazioni accademiche.

Immagine: NASA Earth Observatory, Jesse Allen and Robert Simmon

Optimized and adapted hydropower management considering glacier shrinkage scenarios in the Swiss Alps.

Proceedings of the International Symposium on Dams and Reservoirs under Changing Challenges

Optimized and adapted hydropower management: Optimized and adapted hydropower management considering glacier shrinkage scenarios in the Swiss Alps.

Fonte: Terrier S. et al. 2011: Optimized and adapted hydropower management considering glacier shrinkage scenarios in the Swiss Alps. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Dams and Reservoirs under Changing Challenges - 79th Annual Meeting of ICOLD, Swiss Committee on Dams, Lucerne, Switzerland (Schleiss, A. & Boes, R.M., Eds), Taylor & Francis Group, London, 497–508.


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